5 simple ways to make money from Cakes

Why aren’t you making money from cakes?
The single biggest complaint for most home bakers is difficulty in earning money making cakes.
Why do you think that is?
Sometimes it’s all about your mindset. Maybe you think you are not worth it or maybe you think your cakes are not good enough or that you don’t think you can actually make a living selling cakes.
“Ask Yourself: How is it possible to make money through my cake passion?”
First of all, if you don’t think you can make money doing what you love, then you won’t. You are stopping yourself from making money.
But the good news is that you can change this mindset and set yourself up to making profit from your home cake business

#1: If your cake customers keep bringing down your price, then you are attracting the wrong clients.
If your clients don’t value your effort and skills in making your cakes or can’t afford your cakes, then they’re the wrong clients for you.
Where can you find customers that will appreciate your creativity? Who would value and pay a good price for your cakes? Is there a niche market you can target and become the expert of? Is there a specific skill you can focus your marketing efforts on (e.g. are you great at 3D cakes, or Cake Painting, or wedding cakes or dessert cakes).
Ask yourself who is your perfect client and where can you find them?

#2 Show your clients how much time and effort you put in making your cakes
It is up to you to teach your clients as to how much effort, time, love and attention goes into making your cakes.
Think about starting a blog on your website or through your Facebook business page. Share behind-the-scenes photos or videos on your social media pages. This will show your clients and potential customers your commitment and what goes into making the perfect cake.

#3: If you want top clients, then position yourself as a Premium baker
If you want to attract top paying clients, then you need to learn some marketing and business skills. One is have a good and functioning website, learn how to take good professional cake photos (You won’t get premium customers if your cake photos look dark and are out of focus), behave professionally on Social Media and on the phone and answer cake enquires professionally.
Whatever you do, be the best you can be.And you don’t have to spend a lot of money to do this – it’s not about the amount of cash you have. It costs nothing to take a good photo with your phone and It costs nothing to give your clients a truly premium level of service.

#4: Close the deal as soon as you can
Once you get a cake enquiry, have your cake price guide with you for quick and easy reference.
You should not hold back from talking about money, and don’t leave it until the end. Also don’t be apologetic and hesitant about giving your price. Be confident. Because if you know a cake is going to be a lot of work and effort, you will just get frustrated if you are being paid minimal for all that work. Remember you are running a business.
You need to know if a client is a potential customer or is just wasting your time. Not everyone that gets in touch with you is the right client for you. Imagine spending time talking about flavours and designs, only to find out at the end of the conversation that they cannot afford your price or it is not within their budget.
Give them a price guide at the beginning of the conversation, or put in on your website. If they hesitate at the prices, politely tell them to try somewhere else. Be confident in saying politely ‘I’m not right for you.’, and you know what, there’s nothing like telling someone you’re not right for them to really grab their attention.

#5: Get paid what you’re worth
If you take nothing else away from all you have learnt in the last 5 days, I want you to have this in your mind:
Know that no matter what, you are awesome, your cakes are great and you should be paid what you’re worth, not what you think you are work.
You have put a lot of time, effort and love in your cakes, so you should be paid well for your cakes.
Until you truly appreciate the value and expertise you offer, how on earth is anyone else going to value it?
For more tips and information about setting up your own cake business, make sure to check out my E-Course ‘The Baking Business School Cake E- Course‘. From the rules surrounding getting your business registered, marketing and business strategies as well as pricing guides including Templates, guides, Workbooks and checklists to help you build your cake passion business dream.
Enrollment for the Baking Business School E- Course is still ongoing. Don't miss this chance to start and to take your cake business to the next level.
Register Now here ( just type in BBS Course in the subject area).
Till next week Cakers.